Moriah Central School is proud of its high standard of student conduct. We encourage mutual respect of students toward one another and toward the school in general. The academic programs, interscholastic athletics, school activities, and alternative programs exist to assist students in fulfilling their future potential.
For various reasons, young people do not always behave as responsibly as they should. When students do not respect their teacher’s authority, or disrupt a class by their actions, they prevent others from learning. Immature conduct of this nature cannot be tolerated.
For such instances, the following general procedures are suggested:
- A student, teacher, parent conference is advisable. Frequently, a phone conversation will solve the difficulty by keeping all parties informed. The student, teacher, or the parents can initiate this contact.
- The high school principal should be consulted when the above does not bring satisfactory results. Again, any of the three involved persons can initiate the principal’s involvement.
- In more serious instances, the principal should be consulted. At this stage, the process is generally more disciplinary in nature. Detention, suspension and even legal proceedings are sometimes used at this level to insure appropriate behavior. Students, parents, and teachers may also initiate action at this point.